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Mo Ismail

Dubai entrepreneur to reward social media users’ good deeds with prizes

Mo Ismail – popularly known as Mo Muscles – will be giving away prizes ranging from apparel to watches and ‘experiences’ to those who share their good deeds through social media

Egyptian-born American Mo Ismail – who is popularly known as ‘Mo Muscles’ – is a fitness expert, bodybuilder, actor and producer with over 100,000's of global followers across social media, which he often uses to collaborate with a number of fitness, lifestyle and entertainment projects in the UAE.

Via: Arabian Business

A Dubai-based entrepreneur and well-known social media personality has launched a new initiative to reward social media users for promoting good deeds and spreading positivity on their accounts.

Egyptian-born American Mo Ismail – who is popularly known as ‘Mo Muscles’ – is a fitness expert, bodybuilder, actor and producer with over 195,000 followers on Instagram, which he often uses to collaborate with a number of fitness, lifestyle and entertainment brands in the UAE.

He was among the local social media personalities profiled in “Follow Me”, the first independently made documentary from Dubai to be streamed on Netflix.

Speaking to Arabian Business, however, Ismail said that a recent period of isolation from social media allowed him to reflect on the platforms and what can be accomplished through them.

“I realised a lot of things. Social media can affect us in a negative way, but also in a positive way,” he said. “I always spread positive and good messages, but not a lot of action is being taken, and nobody is really doing anything. So I thought ‘do good, get rewarded’.”

The subsequent ‘World Peace’ initiative – being conducted with the hashtag #WPInitiative – will give weekly rewards to social media users who upload pictures or video of them doing something that benefits the community and other people – or even animals – along with the hashtag and a tag for @MoMuscles.

Tue 11 Dec 2018

By Bernd Debusmann Jr

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